Thursday, January 11, 2018

he korean student jade t cho’s graduation work intends to get people thinking about life in another way. as a commonly seen object in our life, an old armchair was used. this armchair was out of trend and was thrown away, abandoned by its original user, being replaced by a new one. people do that often to our belongings and sometimes even to other people. what if the armchair had a life? would a different ending had happened to it?

he korean student jade t cho’s graduation work intends to get people thinking about life in another way. as a commonly seen object in our life, an old armchair was used. this armchair was out of trend and was thrown away, abandoned by its original user, being replaced by a new one. people do that often to our belongings and sometimes even to other people. what if the armchair had a life? would a different ending had happened to it?
Pinned to #ArtPiece 2018:

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